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Friday, July 24, 2009


This week I hung out with the "wild child's." I went to LIFT Camp @ Cedarville University with the students in our student ministry. It was amazing! The worship experiences are unbelievable. The auditorium had a balcony and during the worship and message, I went up and found a place that I could see both the speaker and our kids. I wasn't spying!! The truth is I love to watch teenagers praise God and get excited about Him! It is a contagious thing! When a student wraps his/her mind around the fact that God loves them, wants to talk and get to know them, has a plan for their life and can save them...it is awe inspiring! I wish that adults could have a "camp" of their own. Not a couple's retreat or seminar or outing...but camp! A no holds barred, in your face, rock your foundation, never gone be the same time that we get away from the world to get close to our Father. If teens need this - how much more do we? Jesus regularly pulled away into the wilderness to get alone with God.

Hmmm...ideas are brewing in my mind, stay tuned, there's more to come!