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Friday, June 5, 2009


I am reading a book on how to be a better listener and so far the conclusion about myself that I have come to realize is that I am pretty lame at this. I (most of us do) thought that I am a good listener. Heck, it's my job to "hear" people!! But what I have noticed is that many times, unknowingly, I want to jump in & solve problems for people - also what I do, a problem solver! This may or may not be the best thing in that moment when someone is opening up & pouring themselves out. They simply may need me to listen and hear them. They may actually want to reach a solution or conclusion on their own without the help of my infinite, vast, deep, and always pertinent knowledge!! (Crazy, right??)

So this week, let the discipline of listening begin! I'll let you know how I do!

Much love,


  1. I am sure you are a better listener than you think you are.

  2. I think for men this is extremely hard. We are problem solvers. I have been told by a certain someone that she(Kim) did not want the problem solved. She just wanted me to listen. I have always wondered though...if we just sat back and listened nothing would get solved. So I have learned to try and listen more through the years. It can be hard at times.

  3. what is the name of the book? Jon Liles
