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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blessed beyond reason!

Here is a life changing thought...a shift in thinking, God's blessings' defy reason many times. Let me show you what I mean. Genesis 48 tells the story of Jacob's (Israel) final moments before he dies. As the custom was he gathered his sons' together and blesses them. But in vs. 17, the Bible tells us what Jacob was doing "displeased him." Why? It defied his reason. Jacob was blessing the wrong son, or so Joseph thought! Jacob was blessing the younger son, instead of the older one as was the custom. So this ticked Jo off.

Ever been there? Ever gotten mad because God didn't work like we thought or expected Him to? I have. But here's what I am learning, many times, the unexpected blessings of God defy reason. Defy the norm. Defy the way the "handbook" lays it out. So, here's the deal: These reason defying blessings are the ones that God uses not only to "surprise" bless us, but more importantly, He uses them to advance His kingdom & make Jesus famous!

You know when I think about it...my salvation is the biggest blessing that defies reason. There is no way that I should be saved. I am a sinner. I violated God's law...guilty! Yet, b/c of Jesus' willingness to climb on the cross and receive in Himself the wrath for MY sin...I am able to receive the blessing of being one of God's Kids!! That defies my reasoning...but I am so thankful God doesn't bless according to my reasoning!

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