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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday Reflections

Sunday was unusual! Here's a quick review of our series: In the Name of Love...Say it! (Declare you will be a home that has Christ @ its' center) Live It! (Choose to love, forgive and be counter-cultural) and lastly Fight It! Before I spoke I was apprehensive about being that transparent! God has allowed me to hear some feedback & evidently He challenged all of us to step it up in our marriages & Fight Right (in a way that honors Him)!

I also addressed a void I have noticed...as one old pastor put it: "Too much dust on the altar!" I believe it should be full every time the Word is given! Full of people praising God for His goodness, praying for others and themselves, repenting of sin, etc...When we do this and have this attitude, I believe the power of God will be upon us! More to come...

Blessings to each of you...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I like big...

My friend Dave Adams reminded me recently that there are ebb and flows in ministry. Sometimes you're in the "flow" (things are going good!) and other times you're "ebbing" (all you want to do is run and hide!) I have found myself in the ebb lately. I was bummed. Down. Had no desire to push on! My creative juices were dry. This was for many reasons but the fact is I was in a low place!

Then my wife steps in! She is a woman with big faith! Her attitude, support and vision for God to do the impossible has re-energized me! She has fed my faith fire! I love my "big faith" wife!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Life 2gether

Last night our LifeGroups started again. We had gone on "hiatus" for a while to revamp the strategy of our small group ministry. It was a great time!
Here's a few thoughts on why these are so important in the life of a believer:

a.) We Strengthen each other. The book of Acts, describes the early church and the priority they placed on meeting together. They actually met daily in each other's homes! (wonder how much fried chicken they threw down? B/c everyone knows fellowship = fried chicken, right?) Anyway...I was thinking, in that culture where faith in Jesus was not "ok" - they willingly risked persecution, simply to be with each other. Could that have been one of the catalysts for the early church's explosive growth? Their strength of "togetherness?" Here's the point: Don't we live in an ever increasing anti-JEsus culture? We may not be jailed or persecuted yet for following Jesus...but don't we need each other just as much? Since God did not design his church to be "isolationists" but rather "invasionists" (invading culture w/ the light & hope of Jesus) don't we need regular times of strengthening to invade FULLY? You bet!

b.) We Sharpen each other. Here's what I mean, one of my LifeGroup members, shared an intimate struggle last night with us and as they spoke, I realized, "That's me!" I own that, too! In these stetings, when we become real & drop the facade of "church-ianity" (All is well...bless you!) we realize, we're all busted & broken! Then, we can come alongside each other, share the struggles, (which let's you know you're not a freak!) & hold each other accountable so that we overcome & experience the victory Jesus brings! The writer of Proverbs wrote, "iron sharpens iron!" I want my knife to be razor sharp, don't you?

c.) We Laugh Together! We need to laugh! There is enough bad news to go around! However, you put a group of Jesus Followers in a home setting with food - the laughs start coming! I love this aspect of LifeGroup.

Thanks LifeGroup! I look forward to our journey together!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blessed beyond reason!

Here is a life changing thought...a shift in thinking, God's blessings' defy reason many times. Let me show you what I mean. Genesis 48 tells the story of Jacob's (Israel) final moments before he dies. As the custom was he gathered his sons' together and blesses them. But in vs. 17, the Bible tells us what Jacob was doing "displeased him." Why? It defied his reason. Jacob was blessing the wrong son, or so Joseph thought! Jacob was blessing the younger son, instead of the older one as was the custom. So this ticked Jo off.

Ever been there? Ever gotten mad because God didn't work like we thought or expected Him to? I have. But here's what I am learning, many times, the unexpected blessings of God defy reason. Defy the norm. Defy the way the "handbook" lays it out. So, here's the deal: These reason defying blessings are the ones that God uses not only to "surprise" bless us, but more importantly, He uses them to advance His kingdom & make Jesus famous!

You know when I think about it...my salvation is the biggest blessing that defies reason. There is no way that I should be saved. I am a sinner. I violated God's law...guilty! Yet, b/c of Jesus' willingness to climb on the cross and receive in Himself the wrath for MY sin...I am able to receive the blessing of being one of God's Kids!! That defies my reasoning...but I am so thankful God doesn't bless according to my reasoning!

Friday, July 24, 2009


This week I hung out with the "wild child's." I went to LIFT Camp @ Cedarville University with the students in our student ministry. It was amazing! The worship experiences are unbelievable. The auditorium had a balcony and during the worship and message, I went up and found a place that I could see both the speaker and our kids. I wasn't spying!! The truth is I love to watch teenagers praise God and get excited about Him! It is a contagious thing! When a student wraps his/her mind around the fact that God loves them, wants to talk and get to know them, has a plan for their life and can save them...it is awe inspiring! I wish that adults could have a "camp" of their own. Not a couple's retreat or seminar or outing...but camp! A no holds barred, in your face, rock your foundation, never gone be the same time that we get away from the world to get close to our Father. If teens need this - how much more do we? Jesus regularly pulled away into the wilderness to get alone with God.

Hmmm...ideas are brewing in my mind, stay tuned, there's more to come!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I am reading a book on how to be a better listener and so far the conclusion about myself that I have come to realize is that I am pretty lame at this. I (most of us do) thought that I am a good listener. Heck, it's my job to "hear" people!! But what I have noticed is that many times, unknowingly, I want to jump in & solve problems for people - also what I do, a problem solver! This may or may not be the best thing in that moment when someone is opening up & pouring themselves out. They simply may need me to listen and hear them. They may actually want to reach a solution or conclusion on their own without the help of my infinite, vast, deep, and always pertinent knowledge!! (Crazy, right??)

So this week, let the discipline of listening begin! I'll let you know how I do!

Much love,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey everybody! Check this out: Wednesday June 14th, we are launching our FAITH Evangelism Strategy! I am super stoked (that's excited for all you old schoolers!) about this. I firmly believes God honors His Word and his people when we are faithful to proclaim the life giving hope of Jesus Christ. This is what FAITH is all about. WARNING: This will change you from the inside-out...in a good way! God is going to move mightily in this ministry & I want you to be a part of it. Soooo....you don't want to miss this wednesday night b/c I will be unwrapping FAITH in detail. Come hear the who, what, how & why of this ministry and get ready to celebrate what God is going to do in Ft. Wayne through our efforts at BBC!

See you there! Much love,