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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jekyll and Hyde Vs. a Stone - Round 1

In Joshua 3-4, the Bible tells the story of the Children of Israel finally going into the Promised Land that God had promised to give them as their home. They cross over the Jordan River, on dry ground, (a miracle in itself!) and camp out at Gilgal. Then God tells them to take 12 stones and set up a memorial, so that all their kids, grandkids and future generations would know of how God brought them to this land and planned to make them a mighty nation. Then Joshua tell the fathers to teach their families this amazing story.

As I was thinking about this, the question that I had to ask myself is, "Why do I tend to be more like "Jekell and Hyde" instead of a rock? Do you ever feel that way? Here's what I mean, Joshua was a rock to the nation of Israel but more importantly to his family. He made a life defining claim when he said, "But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Then he lived it! He believed God, lived out his life LIKE he believed God...and as a result, God honored him in the "sight of all Israel." So much so, that they were in awe of him just like they had been in awe of Moses. That's a legacy! That's being a rock! Strong...unmovable...always knowing what to expect...like a chevy truck tough...rock!

Man, I want to be that way. But to be honest, at times there's a dark side of me that more resembles Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde than I care to admit! I can be a strong spiritual leader for my family one day and then the next, when life gives the jab, cross, hook & uppercut combo - shazam! I can easily turn back to a dirty and defeated poor excuse of a leader!

God has lovingly given the answer for this...Focus. (Cue Rocky music or Mr. Miaggi telling Daniel-son to "Focus Powah!") Walking with and consistently looking to the "author and finisher" of our faith - JESUS - will cure this change that tempts us and will "harden" us into a steady, strong and dependable rock who is ready for whatever is thrown our way! Why? B/c the more we walk with Christ, the more we become like and model Him...who is our Rock.

So don't be defeated. It's time to rise up! Let's BE who God designed us to be!
Bring it on!

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