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Thursday, May 14, 2009

The worst look I've ever seen!

It was the look on her face that I will never forget! A look of complete fear, despair and helplessness. Last night, after midweek motivation, Joann, myself, Todd and Timmy jumped into the truck to head out to our favorite restaurant, Chili's.. We said the usual goodbyes and started to pull out of the parking lot. There was only one problem: no Desiree. We had a breakdown of communication. We thought she was riding with someone else, she thought she was riding with us. The next thing I know, I hear screaming! (above the sound of the engine) I stopped the truck, looked behind us and that's when I saw the look on Desiree's face that broke my heart. Complete terror. She thought we were leaving her. So did we! She was running toward the truck, tears flowing like buckets! I opened the door and she climbed in - in record setting pace I might add. I assured her we would never leave her. (on purpose anyway!)

But it was that look! I can't forget that look. It spoke volumes to me. It defined to me what brought her meaning. What brings her happiness. What she wants most right now...To be with mommy and daddy.

Here's the really simple but profound point to this story. There are times in my life when I'm tempted to give that look to God. I start to think He has left "the building and is heading out the parking lot of our lives." It could be that I've moved away from Him, or started letting my circumstances dictate my theology or whatever but here's the simple truth: God has never left the parking lot or me. No matter what my circumstances tell me - I simply need to rest in the Bible's promise that "He will never leave us or forsake us."

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