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Friday, July 24, 2009


This week I hung out with the "wild child's." I went to LIFT Camp @ Cedarville University with the students in our student ministry. It was amazing! The worship experiences are unbelievable. The auditorium had a balcony and during the worship and message, I went up and found a place that I could see both the speaker and our kids. I wasn't spying!! The truth is I love to watch teenagers praise God and get excited about Him! It is a contagious thing! When a student wraps his/her mind around the fact that God loves them, wants to talk and get to know them, has a plan for their life and can save them...it is awe inspiring! I wish that adults could have a "camp" of their own. Not a couple's retreat or seminar or outing...but camp! A no holds barred, in your face, rock your foundation, never gone be the same time that we get away from the world to get close to our Father. If teens need this - how much more do we? Jesus regularly pulled away into the wilderness to get alone with God.

Hmmm...ideas are brewing in my mind, stay tuned, there's more to come!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I am reading a book on how to be a better listener and so far the conclusion about myself that I have come to realize is that I am pretty lame at this. I (most of us do) thought that I am a good listener. Heck, it's my job to "hear" people!! But what I have noticed is that many times, unknowingly, I want to jump in & solve problems for people - also what I do, a problem solver! This may or may not be the best thing in that moment when someone is opening up & pouring themselves out. They simply may need me to listen and hear them. They may actually want to reach a solution or conclusion on their own without the help of my infinite, vast, deep, and always pertinent knowledge!! (Crazy, right??)

So this week, let the discipline of listening begin! I'll let you know how I do!

Much love,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey everybody! Check this out: Wednesday June 14th, we are launching our FAITH Evangelism Strategy! I am super stoked (that's excited for all you old schoolers!) about this. I firmly believes God honors His Word and his people when we are faithful to proclaim the life giving hope of Jesus Christ. This is what FAITH is all about. WARNING: This will change you from the inside-out...in a good way! God is going to move mightily in this ministry & I want you to be a part of it. Soooo....you don't want to miss this wednesday night b/c I will be unwrapping FAITH in detail. Come hear the who, what, how & why of this ministry and get ready to celebrate what God is going to do in Ft. Wayne through our efforts at BBC!

See you there! Much love,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jekyll and Hyde Vs. a Stone - Round 1

In Joshua 3-4, the Bible tells the story of the Children of Israel finally going into the Promised Land that God had promised to give them as their home. They cross over the Jordan River, on dry ground, (a miracle in itself!) and camp out at Gilgal. Then God tells them to take 12 stones and set up a memorial, so that all their kids, grandkids and future generations would know of how God brought them to this land and planned to make them a mighty nation. Then Joshua tell the fathers to teach their families this amazing story.

As I was thinking about this, the question that I had to ask myself is, "Why do I tend to be more like "Jekell and Hyde" instead of a rock? Do you ever feel that way? Here's what I mean, Joshua was a rock to the nation of Israel but more importantly to his family. He made a life defining claim when he said, "But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Then he lived it! He believed God, lived out his life LIKE he believed God...and as a result, God honored him in the "sight of all Israel." So much so, that they were in awe of him just like they had been in awe of Moses. That's a legacy! That's being a rock! Strong...unmovable...always knowing what to expect...like a chevy truck tough...rock!

Man, I want to be that way. But to be honest, at times there's a dark side of me that more resembles Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde than I care to admit! I can be a strong spiritual leader for my family one day and then the next, when life gives the jab, cross, hook & uppercut combo - shazam! I can easily turn back to a dirty and defeated poor excuse of a leader!

God has lovingly given the answer for this...Focus. (Cue Rocky music or Mr. Miaggi telling Daniel-son to "Focus Powah!") Walking with and consistently looking to the "author and finisher" of our faith - JESUS - will cure this change that tempts us and will "harden" us into a steady, strong and dependable rock who is ready for whatever is thrown our way! Why? B/c the more we walk with Christ, the more we become like and model Him...who is our Rock.

So don't be defeated. It's time to rise up! Let's BE who God designed us to be!
Bring it on!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The worst look I've ever seen!

It was the look on her face that I will never forget! A look of complete fear, despair and helplessness. Last night, after midweek motivation, Joann, myself, Todd and Timmy jumped into the truck to head out to our favorite restaurant, Chili's.. We said the usual goodbyes and started to pull out of the parking lot. There was only one problem: no Desiree. We had a breakdown of communication. We thought she was riding with someone else, she thought she was riding with us. The next thing I know, I hear screaming! (above the sound of the engine) I stopped the truck, looked behind us and that's when I saw the look on Desiree's face that broke my heart. Complete terror. She thought we were leaving her. So did we! She was running toward the truck, tears flowing like buckets! I opened the door and she climbed in - in record setting pace I might add. I assured her we would never leave her. (on purpose anyway!)

But it was that look! I can't forget that look. It spoke volumes to me. It defined to me what brought her meaning. What brings her happiness. What she wants most right now...To be with mommy and daddy.

Here's the really simple but profound point to this story. There are times in my life when I'm tempted to give that look to God. I start to think He has left "the building and is heading out the parking lot of our lives." It could be that I've moved away from Him, or started letting my circumstances dictate my theology or whatever but here's the simple truth: God has never left the parking lot or me. No matter what my circumstances tell me - I simply need to rest in the Bible's promise that "He will never leave us or forsake us."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Waste?

What's Up! Welcome to my blog! What is a P.H.D.M. you ask? Simple. It stands for Pastor. Husband. Dad. Man. What you will be reading will be the random thoughts that go on in my head. Sometimes it will be funny. Other times very serious. I hope you that you enjoy them and that you are encouraged as well.

here we go...
I have been reading a dangerous book this month (I took a challenge to read a book a month...would be more, but I'm honestly not a fast reader!) by John Piper called Don't Waste Your Life. It has been extremely challenging. The concept behind it is to evaluate what we spend out days pursuing. This book has rocked my thinking to the core. Here is where I'm at so far...

The question that I must ask myself daily is this: Am I going to pursue self and all that the "pursuit" of happiness brings or am I willing to give up that pursuit and follow God's lead, even if it is to the hard, never safe, unfamiliar and out of the comfort zone places?

Confession: I tend to naturally slip back into the safe, protect my rear, get comfortable zone all too easily. However, because of my recent trip to Africa, God is shaking those foundations in me. I'm glad. I don't want to be on my death bed and look back over my life and think, "Did I waste it?" "Is there more I could have done to spread the name of Jesus?" Ultimately, I want to know that my life counted for something bigger and something more than the "pursuit of Todd." I want to spend my life in pursuit of God's plan for me.

I'll let you know how this goes! Until later....

Love, Peace & Chicken Grease!